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METRAdirect - the fast, secure, and convenient way to access your citation information online. Please have the following information available:
  1. Parking citation:
    Citation numbers are six (6) to eight (8) characters long (examples: H12345, G12345, H1234567, or CP123456).
    Citation Date and Time
  2. Licence plate number or VIN
  3. If you choose to pay online; please use one of the following: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover.
*** METRA Parking Enforcement citations should be available for online payment within 30 minutes of issuance. ***
*** All other citations should be available for online payment within 24-48 hours of issuance. ***
For all questions regarding this website or citation information, contact us.

Step 1:
To view or pay your citation(s), please enter the following from your citation. After, click the "Add Citation" button to register the citation for payment.
Step 2:
Upon Completion, click the "Continue" button to proceed to next page or fill-in the form again to register another citation.